Alison Symington, Everyday Advocacy

Publications & Videos

Book Chapters & Journal Articles

When law and science part ways: the criminalization of breastfeeding by women living with HIV,” (2022) 9 Therapeutic Advances in Infectious Diseases 1. [with N. Chingore-Munazvo &  S. Moroz].

Punishing Vulnerability Through HIV Criminalization,” (2022) 112 America Journal of Public Health S395 [with EJ. Bernard & S. Beaumont].

“”I shall conquer and prevail” – art and stories of resilience and resistance of the women, ART and criminalization of HIV (WATCH) study,” (2021) 20 Journal of HIV/AIDS & Social Services 1. [with S. Greene, et al.].

“The Blunt Instrument of Law: Consent and HIV Non-Disclosure,” in Dis/Consent: Perspectives on Sexual Consent and Sexual Violence, K. Malinen, ed., (Halifax: Fernwood, 2019). [with S. Patten]

How women living with HIV react and respond to learning about Canadian law that criminalises HIV Non-disclosure: ‘How do you prove that you told?‘” (2019) Culture, Health and Sexuality. [with S. Greene, et al.]

“Canadian HIV Pregnancy Planning Guidelines,” (2018) 40 Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 94. [with M. Loutfy et al.]

“From Tragedy and Injustice to Rights and Empowerment: Accountability in the Economic Realm,” in Reading Feminist Theory: From Modernity to Postmodernity, S. Archer Mann & A. Patterson eds., (Oxford University Press, 2015). [Reprinted from Defending our Dreams: Global Feminist Voices for a New Generation (London: Zed Books, 2005).]

Injustice Amplified by HIV Non-disclosure Ruling,” (2013) 63 University of Toronto Law Journal 485.

Judging during the epidemic: A comprehensive judicial handbook on HIV, human rights and the law (UNAIDS, 2013). [with R. Elliott, S. Chu, M. Golinchenko & C. Kazatchkine]

“Criminal Prosecutions for HIV Non-Disclosure: Protecting Women from Infection or Threatening Prevention Efforts?” in Women and HIV Prevention in Canada: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice, ed. J. Gahagan, (Women’s Press, 2013). [with P. Allard and C. Kazatchkine]

“HIV Non-DIsclosure and the Criminal Law: An Analysis of two Recent Decisions of the Supreme Court of Canada,” 60 Criminal Law Quarterly 30 (2013). [with C. Kazatchkine et al.]

“HIV Exposure as Assault: Progressive Development or Misplaced Focus?” in E. Sheehy (ed.) Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice, and Women’s Activism (University of Ottawa Press, 2012).

“Criminalising consensual sexual behaviour in the context of HIV: Consequences, evidence, and leadership,” (2011) 6 Global Public Health S357. [with A. Ahmed, M. Kaplan & E. Kismodi]

“Vertical HIV Transmission Should be Excluded from Criminal Prosecution,” (2009) 17 Reproductive Health Matters 154.

“From Tragedy and Injustice to Rights and Empowerment: Accountability in the Economic Realm” in Defending our Dreams: Global Feminist Voices for a New Generation, S. Wilson, A. Sengupta & K. Evans, eds., (London: Zed Books, 2005).

The Future of Women’s Rights: Global Visions and Strategies, (London: Zed Books, 2004).  [editor, with  J. Kerr & E. Sprenger]  Also published in Spanish: El futuro de los derechos de las mujeres: Visiones y estrategias globales, (London: Zed Books, 2004).

“Dual Citizenship and Forced Marriages,” (2001) 10 Dalhousie Journal of Legal Studies 1. [Winner of Smith Lyons Essay Prize]


Select NGO Publications

Advancing HIV Justice 4: Understanding Commonalities, Seizing Opportunities (HIV Justice Network 2022) [with EJ. Bernard].

What does consent really mean? Rethinking HIV non-disclosure and sexual assault. Meeting Report, April 24 – 26, 2014, Toronto. (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network).

Race and the Criminal Law. An ACCHO Special Report. (The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2013). [with A. Larcher]

Treatment or Torture? Applying International Human Rights Standards to Drug Detention Centers (Open Society Foundations, 2011). [with R. Elliott and R. Schleifer]

Criminals and Victims? The Impact of the Criminalization of HIV Non-Disclosure on African, Caribbean and Black Communities in Ontario (The African and Caribbean Council on HIV/AIDS in Ontario, 2010). [with A. Larcher]

Respect, Protect and Fulfil: Legislating for Women’s Rights in the Context of HIV/AIDS:  Volume One:  Sexual and Domestic Violence, and Volume Two:  Family and Property Issues (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, 2009). [with R. Pearshouse & S. Chu]

Safe Schools: Every Girl’s Right (London:  Amnesty International, 2004).

Intersectionality: A Tool for Gender and Economic Justice, AWID Facts & Issues (Association for Women’s Rights in Development, 2004).

 A Rights-Based Approach to Development, AWID Facts & Issues (Association for Women’s Rights in Development, 2002).


Videos & Films

Mwayi’s Story. (HIV Justice Network, 2022).

Consent: HIV Non-Disclosure and Sexual Assault Law(Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Goldelox Productions, 2015).

Sex, Criminal Law & HIV Disclosure, Parts 1 & 2 (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Goldelox Productions, 2015).

Positive Women: Exposing Injustice. (Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network & Goldelox Productions, 2012).